Wow! What an adventure this has been; beginning a new adventure known as Motherhood sounds so sweet. Thinking back to where this all started, I never could truly imagine this feeling, but it is so good!
Author: Angie
35 Week Bumpdate
Baby K and I have hit another huge milestone this past week as we entered week 35 of pregnancy! This has been my goal since first experiencing my preterm labor contractions during week 30, so I am relieved to say we have made it this far. It definitely has not been very smooth, but here we are!
The Most Precious Baby Shower
Last week, our family threw Baby K the most beautiful and perfect baby shower. I was politely dismissed from the planning process (haha!), which was initially difficult to accept being the control-freak that I am, but I was absolutely blown away walking into our shower. I am so excited to show y’all the pretty details!
Ohhhh Baby Names…
As a little girl, I did all the girly things you could imagine: played Barbies, dress-up, had tea parties with my stuffed animals, and most days consisted of my best friend and I playing “house.” Well, naturally when you play those things, you choose names. You choose names for your baby dolls, your stuffed animals, your Barbies, and even yourself at times. I always had my go-to, favorite names that I would use over and over and just imagined that one day those names would be the names of my actual children. Boy, was I wrong.
A Little Preterm Labor Scare
As usual, Baby K and this pregnancy are keeping Kyle and I are on toes with no expectations. Our last appointment indicated that she is in the 80th percentile for her size and also really, down there. We know she is healthy & happy in there while she grows. But just before I hit 31 weeks, we had another little surprise…
Hello 30 Weeks!
We have made it to 30 weeks! Sometimes I have to pinch myself to even believe it’s true. Venturing into the 3rd trimester has been fun and so many things have happened with the growth and development of Baby K (and my belly for that matter).
The Dreaded Glucose Test
I always remembered my friends and family members talking about having to do their glucose test, but it was never a big deal. After all the testing we have been through, I really didn’t think much of this test, but wanted to make sure I followed all the rules to get it done and over with. The only thing I had in the back of my mind was how much sugar I actually consume in my day, especially during this pregnancy. Let’s just say this little girl is going to be extra sweet 😉
My Journey to Excitement
As much as I preach about staying positive and hopeful, well…because I truly believe that’s what makes difficult circumstances more manageable, I don’t want y’all to think that I am always bubbly, positive, and hopeful. It’s just not reality. I’ve had some pretty dark moments through all of the waiting and bad news we kept getting from doctors and test results prior to our amnio and echo.
Fetal Echocardiogram
Anyone else a huge checklist person? I feel like checklists totally keep me in line and productive. Throughout this crazy journey, I feel like there has been this imaginary checklist, but it doesn’t give me the same feeling as the ones I make on my colorful post-it notes at work or home. It’s imaginary, but so prevalent in my mind. We have to go test-by-test to ultimately have an answer for Baby K.
Amniocentesis Results
These past weeks were tough. Like, the toughest waiting I’ve done thus far. The unknown is so scary, especially for someone who is a planner, a problem-solver, and a researcher like myself. I just wanted, or more like needed, to know what was going on with my baby girl.